Website Volunteer Lawyer's Network
The Volunteer Lawyer’s Network Queer/Trans Community Legal Clinic received nearly 100 requests for appoints just this week. There is a significant need for volunteer lawyers and non-lawyers to help with the large number of legal needs. Options include:
- Volunteering for a regular clinic shift, with a contained virtual or in-person clinic time set aside to meet with brief services clients (e.g. for 2 hours – weekly, monthly, or whatever you want) where VLN would schedule clients for brief services appointments during your clinic window. You have no ongoing obligations before or after clinic.
- Taking referrals for specific issues, or for clients who need additional advocacy or support to navigate the process.
- Either limited scope or full rep as suits your capacity (through VLN, the case can stay under their malpractice insurance if you wish. It does not have to go through a firm—you can even sign pleadings with your bar number and not your firm if you represent someone in a filing)
- To help with the other things people are looking for right now that are not directly in step with current volunteer experience – estate planning, etc.
- Joining for in-person, one-time clinic events
Please let CB Baga know if you are interested, and pass the call for help along to others. New VLN volunteers can register here: just say you want to volunteer for the LGBT or the queer/trans clinic in the registration.
To apply for this job please visit